Uniform Information

Note to Parent / carers - School uniform information.


May I remind you of the need to ensure children attend school, wearing uniform, as specified in our school prospectus. Within the variations, there is plenty of scope for everyone to find an appropriate mix. We also ask that children wear suitable footwear as advised.


PE kits can still be worn on the day your child has their PE session. The attire must comply with our uniform requirements which takes into account winter weather.


It is important that children do not come into school wearing jewellery. This is to ensure that health and safety guidance, is followed and unnecessary accidents are avoided.


Thank you to everyone for your uniform donations. Please contact Miss Mayne should you require any assistance in this respect.


School Uniform Policy




School Uniform


  • School jumper and cardigan in red with logo (logo optional)
  • Blouse/shirt—white school style shirt or white polo shirt
  • Black school shoes are an essential part of school uniform


  • Grey trousers,skirt or dress. The skirt length should be on the knee and smart in style and fabric
  • Grey Tights are to be worn with skirts or grey socks
  • Summer dresses or shorts can be worn, only in the summer term 


PE Kit


  • White t-shirt, Red shorts & black pumps
  • Plain black tracksuit can be worn, only in the winter term




  • Swimming costume, trunks, swimming hat and towel


Children should come to school in their PE kits on their chosen day -


  • Reception - Wednesday
  • Year 1 - Tuesday
  • Year 2 - Monday 
  • Year 3 - Tuesday
  • Year 4 - Wednesday & swimming on Thursday 
  • Year 5 - Thursday 
  • Year 6 - Thursday 



Small stud earrings. No other jewellery is allowed in school

Hair accessories must be able to match our school uniform colours


Non-school Uniform

Leggings and patterned tights are not part of school uniform

Wellies are not allowed in school, they must be removed before going into class and placed in a bag with the child’s name on.

Trainer style shoes, soft and suede topped shoes, canvas pumps etc. are not part of school uniform.


All items need to be named

If your child comes home with another child's uniform, please return it to school.



Crested Schoolwear - 01922 276266

Clive Marks - 01922 622556