School Clubs


Here at King's Hill, we offer our children the opportunity to engage in a wide variety of Enrichment Activities. These are held on Tuesdays after school and are open for all to attend. The children really enjoy taking part in these extra-curricular, creative, cultural, enrichment activities.

We try and put together a programme that reflects the kinds of activities children have indicated they would like to do. We feel these creative, enrichment activities help to build children's confidence and character, become more resilient and support health and wellbeing.

Children participate in activities in their year groups and usually with staff members who they are familiar with. We always encourage our children to learn different skills, develop their interests and explore new opportunities.

In addition to the enrichment programme, we also offer other after-school clubs throughout the year. These vary and are often open to specific year groups, to make them more suited to the different age groups. Across the academic year though, we ensure all year groups have access to some of these clubs/activities.