Late/Absence Procedures

We expect children to attend school regularly and to arrive on time, ready to begin their day. This is essential if children are to get the best from their education. Being punctual and attending every day, forms a good habit for life. It is also important that children are collected on time as they are most likely to be tired and hungry by the end of the day.

The school cannot take responsibility for children arriving at school before 8:30am unless they are attending the school’s breakfast club. Until 8:30am children are the responsibility of their families.

If you arrive late then please take your child to the Office. Once there, you will be required to sign your child into school.


Once children are in school we expect them to stay for the full day. Removing children from lessons is unsettling. It not only interrupts your child’s learning, but also affects the other pupils. In unavoidable circumstances please let us know in advance, wherever possible, if you have to take your child out of school and we will arrange to minimise any disruption.

Late collection procedures

We expect children to be collected within 15 minutes after school closes. Parents and families will be contacted to collect their child from the school office if they are late collecting.

If any child is left in school after 4:00pm and we have not been able to make contact with anyone to collect, we may be required to contact social services.


Who collects children?

Any child in EYFS, key stage 1 and key stage 2 will only be released to the parent/carer or family member. If someone else is collecting your child you must notify the school office about the arrangement.

Year 6 children are permitted to walk home alone if we have a letter of consent from parents. 



If your child is ill, please contact the school on the first day of their absence so that we can update our records. If we do not hear anything, you will be contacted by school until we have clarification of the absence. Until then the absence will be noted as unauthorised, this is in line with our absence procedures and guidance.


To minimise any disruption to lessons we ask families to:


  • Avoid taking holidays in term time
  • Try to arrange all appointments after school hours.


(In cases where this is unavoidable, please let us know in advance)